Every patient considering a surgical procedure with Mr Alex Karidis will need to book an initial consultation with him at our clinic.

One of the most important and crucial steps in the process of achieving good plastic surgery is the initial consultation. This gives Mr Karidis the unique opportunity to gain an understanding of what a patient wants, to assess their anatomy, to imagine what would look best for a patient given their goals, and finally to discuss all this with them in an understandable way including outcomes, recovery, and possible side effects. It will also give him the chance to assess your general medical state and suitability for any surgery.

The aim is always for our patients to leave their consultation with a dramatically enhanced understanding of their situation. We happily welcome & encourage each patient bring a close friend or family member as this may aid an informed decision, prompt questions or to take notes within the consultation and help ease nerves, aiding the general consultation experience.

Consultation fee

An in-clinic consultation with Mr Alex Karidis is £250 and a Zoom consultation is £100 with a further in-person consultation required if you are deemed suitable for surgery. The consultation fee is redeemable against surgery if you decide to proceed.

Request a chaperone

Rather than a friend or family member, you may wish to have a formal chaperone present. This would be a member of our support or clinical team. Ideally, please make this request at the time of booking your consultation, so we can make the necessary arrangements.

Email us to arrange a chaperone

Our interpreting service

Karidis Clinic can offer an interpreting service called Silent Sounds. Please let us know what your first language is when you are arranging your initial consultation and we will arrange interpreting services accordingly.

Silent Sounds can provide a range of services with over 250 languages for Face to Face, Video and Telephone Interpreting, as well as British Sign Language.

Our interpreting service is also available on the day of your procedure so you can ask any questions you may have and also feel and  reassured and comfortable.