Surgical procedures available at Karidis Clinic, listed by category.

Body Plastic Surgery at our London Clinic

We offer a range of body surgery procedures, including reconstructive body plastic surgery designed to improve quality of life for patients dealing with painful or traumatic damage, as well as body plastic surgery for those looking to enhance their appearance.

Plastic Surgery for Men at our London Clinic

In recent years there has been an increase in male plastic surgery procedures, as men become more confident about improving their appearance in this way.

Facial Plastic Surgery at our London Clinic

At Karidis, we are pleased to offer a number of facial surgery procedures, all performed in the comfort and security of our London clinic by renowned surgeon Mr Alex Karidis.

Breast Surgery at our London Clinic

In the UK, breast surgery remains a popular procedure and at Karidis. We are pleased to offer a range of solutions for those seeking to change the shape or size of their breasts.