Carey’s tummy tuck journey on Konfidence with Alex Karidis

Carey's tummy tuck experience

Carey underwent a tummy tuck and lipoplasty in 2023 and, in our launch podcast of Konfidence with Alex Karidis, she explains the moment she realised her life – and body – had been transformed.

Carey: I never thought I’d be somebody who had plastic surgery because I don’t make a lot of effort with my appearance, which is weird because I used to do modelling as a job.

But I suffered from a really, really bad back. I’ve had spine surgery, I’ve had my spine fused, and I’ve had a new disc put in. I’ve also had a twin pregnancy and a single pregnancy. And basically, as my husband put it, I was a husk of my former self and I just had lost any confidence I had.

But from the moment I met you, I felt that I could be myself with you. I could just talk to you and say what I wanted and I wouldn’t sound like I was being stupid. You were going to listen to everything that I asked. You know, so specifically my concerns were that I did have a back problem and lack of core strength. And I asked is there any way that this can be tightened up sort of on my inside? And you said, of course, no problem at all.

My heart started jumping and I was really excited. I had made my decision…


The tummy tuck transformation

Alex: When did you start to see the benefits?

Carey: I went on a holiday, taking with me my support corset from you guys. And also my bikini, which I had got out of the loft.

Alex: Which you had vowed you would never wear again.

Carey: Exactly. So, I put this bikini on and it was just a normal one, but the scar was completely hidden. And I was looking at this tummy that was like Barbie’s tummy. It was unbelievable. It was like the tummy I had before belonged to somebody else.

Alex: So, you got the bikini on?

Carey: I got the bikini on, and my kids were like, wow, mummy, you’re amazing.

Alex: How did that make you feel?

Carey: Really, really good and really feminine which I hadn’t felt for a while.

Alex: It’s interesting you say you felt more feminine because it does affect your femininity when you’re not happy with the way your body looks.

Carey: Yeah, well, I was I was just a blob before, but now I’ve got a shape. And it’s amazing.


Taking care of yourself after a tummy tuck

Alex: In hindsight, what would you change?

Carey: If there was any way that I could book in for a week and have it as part of a spa package with, well not even a spa package, just a package where I can get care. And not having to deal with children, you know, and noise. So, if we could do surgery and then lock me in a very quiet room for three days with a menu, that would be the best thing.

Alex: There’s a lot to be said about that, because in the immediate aftermath of surgery you need a little bit of peace and tranquillity just to recover and allow your body to heal. So, if you’re distracted constantly, that’s not helpful, is it?

Carey: Yeah, and we don’t allow ourselves that. I don’t allow myself that in my daily life to ever sit down and kind of interpret what I want, what I’m feeling. I am just running around putting out fires and tidying and making sure that we’ve got our sports kit.


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To celebrate the launch, we’re running a competition for a £200 Selfridges Gift Card. To enter you must download and review the podcast on Apple Podcasts when it launches on 25th September.

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