Breast development is as unique and individual as you are, but you may not be satisfied with the size, shape, or position of your breasts as they develop. Once your breast tissue has fully matured, you may consider having a cosmetic breast surgery procedure to address any concerns you may have.
Firm and full breasts with an equally round shape, from top to bottom, are perceived as the most conventionally attractive, so many women who feel they have pointy breasts choose a breast augmentation to achieve a more pleasing contour.
Is it normal to have pointy boobs?
Every woman’s breasts develop differently, and they can also change shape over time, so you may feel that they look pointier than you prefer, but this is still considered normal breast development. However, there is a congenital breast disorder known as tuberous breasts that often presents with pointy boobs.
Breast tissue develops abnormally and the base of the breast mound is constricted causing the breasts to appear tube-shaped, often pointing downward. As a result, there is often a very large gap between the breasts.
What to do if you are unhappy with the shape of your breasts?
Cosmetic breast surgery can address many concerns you have with the shape of your breasts and during your consultation with our plastic surgeons Mr Alex Karidis and Mr Mark Ho-Asjoe they will be able to advise you which breast surgery procedure is most appropriate.
Breast Augmentation:
Breast implants are used to create more volume and enhance shape. Implants can also address very mild to moderate ptosis (drooping) by creating a slight lift. Implants can also be used during tuberous breast correction surgery to fill the breasts if there is a lack of development.
Breast Uplift:
Ptosis or drooping of the skin and breast tissue is a common issue as you get older and breast uplift or mastopexy surgery can reshape and reposition the breasts to achieve a more youthful appearance. Another common issue with tubular breasts is significant ptosis or drooping of the breast tissue, so a breast uplift is often required to reshape and reposition the breast tissue higher on the chest wall. The areola can be resized and reshaped at the same time.
Breast Augmentation with an Uplift:
Often Mr Alex Karidis will combine a breast augmentation with a breast uplift if multiple issues need to be addressed. This is known as an augmentation mastopexy and is a very popular procedure.
Breast Reduction:
Overly large breasts can cause several problems including neck and back pain, bad posture and even breathing difficulties, as well as causing a great deal of distress and embarrassment. A breast reduction procedure, also known as a reduction mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure to reduce the volume and weight of the breasts, by removing excess breast tissue and skin.
Asymmetry Correction:
Every woman’s breasts are slightly asymmetrical but if there is a significant difference, our plastic surgeons may combine multiple breast asymmetry correction techniques to achieve a more symmetrical appearance. Tubular breasts are also often asymmetrical with one being significantly larger or drooping more than the other.
Is it normal for boobs to appear pointy after breast augmentation?
The breasts can often look slightly strange after a breast augmentation as swelling can cause the implants to appear too high or pointier. It can take up to six months for the swelling to dissipate and the implants to drop and fluff. This means the implant drops to the bottom of the implant pocket, achieving a more rounded “fluffy” appearance.
To find out which cosmetic surgery procedure will address any concerns you may have about your breast appearance, call 0207 432 8727 to arrange your consultation.